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65,000 Chihuahuas

65,000 Chihuahuas

Since I’ve been writing for this blog I’ve been thinking an awful lot about junk. Other peoples junk. Especially the amazing things my friends and acquaintances have owned over the years that I have coveted. A childhood babysitter of mine slept in a black lacquered waterbed that I fantasized about nightly while laying in my own pathetic little box spring deal. A good friend owned a fuzzy magenta sofa that featured completely mirrored ...

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‘Meet Andrew: The Newest Member of the Junkluggers Crew!’

‘Meet Andrew: The Newest Member of the Junkluggers Crew!’

The Junkluggers are expanding our Customer Loyalty Center, and we’re proud to announce yet another member of our team!Hailing from Forbes’ 2009 vote for #1 Worst Small City for Job Opportunities in the United States (Give it up for Jackson, Michigan!), Andrew high-tailed it to New York City the day after his college graduation. Who could blame him? Luckily, we were able to snatch him up ourselves and add him to our team ...

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You Are What You Keep?

You Are What You Keep?

Since the early 19th century Americans have been obsessed with dieting. We take extreme measures to shrink our waistlines and purge ourselves of toxins to create more healthy and happy bodies. We use mantras such as ‘You are what you eat!’ to help remind us to put down that second artisnal cupcake (or that second helping of squirrel pie perhaps if you were said early Americans). As I was doing a spring-clean recently -ok, it ...

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My Lugable

My Lugable

On those sweltering summer days when you just can’t bear to leave the house, grab a cold drink and tune in to some of these great movies and TV series about junk.Sunshine Cleaning(fiction)Hilarious and touching indie comedy about bio-hazard lugging. Unfortunately, Junkluggers does not offer this service. (documentary)There’s a whole village of people who live in the Rio de Janeiro dumps, called ...

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