EJ in Luggerland

As the newest member of the Junklugger family, I enthusiastically agreed to go on a “ride along” with a couple of the luggers. So, in the spirit of Alice in Wonderland, I took a little green pill and jumped down the garbage chute into the wonderful world of junk lugging.
Date: Monday, November 23, 2009
My Hosts: Kevin and Marques
Number of Jobs: 4
Start Time: 7:30 AM
End Time: 3:00 PM
From the moment I got into the truck, until I collapsed back in my chair at my desk in the office, I lived and breathed what these guys do everyday. And I can tell you, they work really, really, really, hard.
First job: Removing a beat up old sleeper sofa. All I did was carry some cushions. That one wasn’t too bad.
The next stop: Demolition. We dismantled a swing set and a really big, old and rusty trampoline. Marques worked on the trampoline, while Kevin and I took out some aggression on the swing set. Apparently, these swing sets truly are safe for your kids to play on, at least this one was. It was a beast to take down, a formidable opponent. It fought back with splintering teeth and rusty screws and bolts. But in the end, the Junkluggers prevailed and we were off to the dump to lay the beast to rest. That one was much tougher and at that point I had broken a sweat.
Next job: Old furniture and a bunch of cardboard boxes. Wielding my bright, Junklugger green box cutter, I showed no mercy on those boxes and quickly broke them down and loaded them in the truck while the guys loaded the furniture. Then we were off to the recycling center to drop off the cardboard, and then to lunch (thank goodness). I had worked up quite an appetite. That one was actually fun.
Last job: Furniture donation. Location of stuff: the basement. There were stairs. That one was the deal breaker. This is when I came to the realization that I much prefer sitting in the office.
And thus ended my day as a lugger. That was enough for me. I was exhausted. The guys dropped me off at the office and all I wanted to do was take a nap. When I got home last night after finishing at the office, I didn’t even eat dinner I just went right to bed. As I sit here typing this now, I am wincing in pain from my sore muscles.
What I now know for sure is that lugging is serious, lugging is tough, lugging is NOT for me. I had a great time out with Kevin and Marques and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to see what it was like out there in the field but I don’t think I’ll be taking that little green pill again anytime in the near future. I do, however, have a whole new respect for what these guys do everyday.
So, I would like to say a blanket “thank you” to all my luggers, for as long as they’re doing it, I can remain safe and comfortably at room temperature, in my reality, at my desk, far, far away from Luggerland.