Green Your Halloween

Skeletons in the closet, things that go bump in the night, cauldrons bubbling – these are all tell-tale signs that Halloween is around the corner, but clutter in the closet, boxes falling over and junk overrunning your house is a different story. Halloween is not only a great opportunity to turn your cluttered house into a haunted house, but to get creative with costumes and decorations. We’ve listed some ways to make your Halloween even better by making it a Green Halloween (and leaving you with extra green in your wallet).
So while you’re giving yourself an extreme makeover from beauty to beast (or any other characters), celebrate Junktober with us! Rid your home of spirits in the basement and clutter of years past and tag your before and after photos on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with #Junktober for a chance to win a free quarter truck of eco-friendly junk removal!
1. Buy a used costume
If you’re uncomfortable by the idea of wearing a used costume, think about how costumes are similar to wedding dresses: they’re worn once only to be stuffed into the closet never seeing the light of day again (talk about spooky!) Going to a local Goodwill, Salvation Army or even shopping on eBay and Amazon will be more cost effective, not to mention saving you the headache of dealing with the foot traffic in costume stores. With more wiggle room in your budget, you’ll have an opportunity to accessorize or splurge on candy. Once Halloween is over, donate the costume to a local charity so it doesn’t take up extra space in your closet.
2. Have a Pre-Halloween Potluck
Missing that something that will make your costume pop? Can’t find it in stores? Someone you know might have it! Throw a Pre-Halloween clothing swap, where your friends and family members bring their old costumes so you can mix and match. The biggest perk? It’s completely free!
3. Mix and Match from Halloween past
It’s time to dust off the cobwebs and bring your old costumes back from the dead. You know what you like best and chances are, your old costumes can contribute to make one amazing franken-costume. So whether you’re looking for some finishing pieces or the costumes this year are just a bit too risqué, take a look in your closet – if you dare.
4. Send out Invitations Online
If you’re throwing a party, consider making a Facebook event page or sending out an e-mail. You’ll not only save money, but time and everyone can put this one on their social calendar!
5. Use homemade decorations
This one is great for the kids and will help you get in touch with your crafty side. Using old milk jugs as jack-o-lanterns by painting them or cutting them out, making masks out of construction paper, covering milk cartons with old newspapers and painting them to make a haunted house and collecting leaves outside and stick them to your window, are just some of the ways to Green your Halloween!