Junk, Junk, and More Junk

We’re in the business of hauling away junk, but we do recognize that collecting “junk” can be a serious issue for some. Those who suffer from compulsive hoarding have an excessive acquisition of and inability to or unwillingness to discard massive quantities of of objects. These objects begin to cover their homes and living space and cause significant distress or impairment. This behavior can lead to health risks, sanitary issues, economic burden, and strain relationships with family and friends.
Interestingly enough, compulsive hoarding is not yet considered and official or distinct disorder, according to Mayo Clinic. Many who hoard don’t even have other OCD-symptoms, though the term “compulsive hoarding” was created in older diagnostics to correlate entirely with such symptoms. In the short amount of time researchers have been studying hoarding, it has been found to correlate more with those who suffer from depression or anxiety.