Moving Timeline

At Luggers Moving, we’re often asked, “When’s the best time to start planning for a move?” Our answer? Now! In other words, it’s never too early to begin preparing for the big day. Because there’s so much involved in moving and there are so many things to remember, we’ve created a checklist to help you plan your move in advance and stay organized.
If you’re moving on the fly and don’t have eight weeks to plan (because, hey, life happens!) – don’t panic! At Luggers Moving, we’re flexible and responsive enough to accommodate even next-day moves.
Eight Weeks Before Your Move
- Contact a reputable, eco-friendly moving company like Luggers Moving and Delivery
- Clear storage sheds and attics
- Begin to use up frozen foods, cleaning supplies, and other difficult-to move items
Six Weeks
- Verify what moving expenses are covered by your employer, if applicable
- Research which moving expenses may be tax-deductible
- Take stock of your possessions. Identify items you haven’t used within the last year and either sell or donate them
- Make a list of subscriptions and businesses you’ll need to contact to update your address
- Locate all motor vehicle registration and licensing documents
- Secure a storage unit if you need to store items prior to or after the move
- Contact schools, doctors, dentists, lawyers and accountants and obtain copies of your personal records
Four Weeks
- Submit a Change of Address form to the post office
- Arrange special transportation for your pets, aquariums, large plants, etc.
- Contact utility and related companies to schedule a service disconnect/connect at your old and new addresses
- Contact insurance companies to ensure your new home is covered
- Begin collecting moving boxes from local businesses
- Pack items that you won’t be needing in the next month
- Plan a yard sale to sell unneeded items or arrange to donate them to charity
Three Weeks
- Collect important documents such as wills, deeds, stock certificates, etc.
- Arrange to close accounts at your local bank and open accounts in your new city (if applicable)
Two Weeks
- If you’re moving far away, have your car checked and serviced for the trip and check the weather conditions you may encounter
- Continue packing and organizing
- Identify items to discard as junk or donate and schedule a Junkluggers pickup to take these items off your hands
One Week
- Withdraw the contents of your safety deposit box, pick up any dry cleaning, return library books and rented DVDs, etc.
- Take pets to the veterinarian for any needed immunizations. Ask the vet to recommend a mild sedative if your pet has travel anxiety. Get copies of pets’ veterinary records
- Drain gas and oil from power equipment (lawn mowers, snow blowers, etc.)
- Prepare specific directions to your new home for your moving company (Include your itinerary, emergency numbers, etc.)
Two To Three Days
- Defrost your freezer and refrigerator
- Have your major appliances disconnected and prepared for the move, if applicable
- Pack a box of personal items you’ll need as soon as you arrive and keep this box with you
Moving Day
- Make sure that someone is at home to answer any questions for the movers
- Record all utility meter readings (gas, electric, water)
- Perform or ask someone to perform a final walkthrough of your old home and ensure nothing is left behind or damaged in the course of the move
Moving can be a stressful time, but this week-by-week checklist will help keep you focused and not-flustered. Contact Luggers Moving today to schedule your move with the most eco-friendly, professional movers around.