Snow Days: The Best Spring Cleaning Reminder

What happens on a snow day? Kids are thrilled, NO SCHOOL! Adults are either thrilled or annoyed. Thrilled that they get an extra day to catch up on home stuff or spend with the kids or annoyed that they can’t get to work to do the trillion things left on their desk. But what really happens when you’re snowed in? You are forced to look at the space around you. There’s no escaping it. You start to think about all the things around the house that you haven’t gotten to yet. All the things you’re putting off until the spring. The Spring Cleaning bell goes off in your head and you can’t wait for winter to go away so that you can start anew in the Spring! You don’t have to wait. Start now!
The Organizing Wiz, Certified Professional Organizer, Ilene Drexler, says “I see spring cleaning as more of an ongoing maintenance process. There’s a tendency for people to keep bringing things into the house without a plan of where it’s going to go or without weeding out things to make room for what’s being brought in. The idea should be continually keeping things manageable before it gets out of control.”
Now is the best time to think about and organize a plan of action for your spring cleaning. Get a head start on the inevitable. How much junk have you accumulated since last year? How many clothes have the kids grown out of that you can donate? Are all your appliances working? Any furniture on its last leg? Any boxes left over from the holidays need recycling? Is it time to redesign?
Start the list, start the plan. Don’t wait. Spring into action now!