Honey, we need a bigger house!

Do you think your home is free of clutter? Let’s take a walk around your home and see what we can find. Here are some things to think about either removing or donating! The fastest way to make your home bigger is to clear out space and remove things you don’t use.
- Are you being eco-friendly when it comes to magazines or newspaper? Yes, it feels great to hold a newspaper in your hand but consider the electronic version on a tablet. Do you see that stack of 10 year old magazines on the bottom shelf of your book case? You know what you need to do!
- Old plastic bottles and soda cans, bravo, you are collecting them. Now, move them into the recycle bin.
- Look at your linen closet. How many sets of sheets do you need? If you’re like most folks you buy linens, but you never discard them. Imagine how much space you could free up.
- While you are in the linen closet look at your towels. Do you have a stack of 10 towels and only use 3? Has your décor changed and are there some towels you will never use again? It’s time for them to go!
- Oh, don’t forget to take a hard look at the stack of blankets in the 3rd shelf. Is it time to liberate some blankets for the poor?
- Old paperwork. Remember the day when you had to keep every receipt? Most of that is available online. Don’t save paper that is available on the cloud.
- Take a deep breath and walk into your closet. When was the last time that you looked at your clothes and asked, “am I ever going to wear this again?” The same goes with shoes, belts, ties and yes, handbags.
- Johnny just turned 27 is it time to put us his 3rd place metal from his elementary science fair? Come on, you know you have it. As you sort through items, would Johnny want this? If so, give it to him, if not keep a few things but it may be time for things to go.
- How many broken vacuum cleaners do you need? Better yet, when was the last time you pulled out the George Foreman grill?
- Now that you have taken items out of bins and put them onto shelves to use, its time to get rid of the bin!
Now that you have new found living space go out and enjoy the sunshine and take a brisk walk.